We’re the kite club that knows Kalpitiya better than any other. We’ve been established since 2009. Experience the thrill of kitesurfing with professional instructors, relax in cozy accommodations, and savor delicious food – all in one place. Join us at Surfpoint and let us make your dream of kitesurfing come true.
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Our philosophy
Founded in 2009, Surfpoint takes pride in being a highly professional school. We set high standards in teaching while maintaining an open and relaxed atmosphere. Our experience allows us to customize lessons to optimize your progress and ensure you have a great time.
Be part of a family
We believe that an important part of what makes kitesurfing enjoyable is the kitesurfing community. We consider all of our students as friends and look forward to welcoming you as part of our kitesurfing family.
Great kite spot!
Kalpitiya is one of the best spots in the world to learn and practice kitesurfing. We teach in a pristine flat-water lagoon. As your skills improve, you can progress to riding waves on the ocean side or go on one of our excursions to Magic Island.
Your safety
We take your safety and the safety of other riders very seriously. During classes, you will be outfitted with all the necessary gear to make your experience pleasant and safe. Our lessons also ensure that you will become a safer rider.
Ride on your own
We want to make your vacation a memorable experience by getting you up on the board and riding on your own. Once you’re ready to ride, you can rent equipment to continue practicing. We will continue to keep an eye on you, provide pointers, and ensure you are safe.
Great vacation
Sri-Lanka is a wonderful country to explore, and kitesurfing is a new and exciting sport. What better way to spend a great vacation than combining the two! We would love to be a part of making your vacation a memorable experience.